- Hunter green granite is an exceptionally rare and exquisite natural stone. Its surface, which resembles a cat's eye in texture and shine, is what gives it its name. L-irħam aħdar tal-kaċċatur għandu impressjoni viżwali distintiva ħafna peress li jista 'jkun aħdar ċar għal aħdar skur fil-lewn u kultant ikollu vini bojod, griżi jew deheb. Its natural and beautiful appearance is attributed to its hue, which is typically dominated by green with stripes or spots of various tints.
- It-Taj Mahal Quartzite huwa fil-biċċa l-kbira griż ċar u abjad, b'toni okkażjonali ta 'gradjent isfar ċar u krema, li tfakkar f'għadira mqaxxra fix-ċpar ta' filgħodu. Its surface gloss is exceedingly high, and polishing produces a mirror impression. It has a warm and delicate feel to it, as well as moderate hardness (Mohs hardness of roughly 3-4), making it perfect for precision carving.
- Rosso luana marble is a high-end stone that is distinguished by its distinct green and purple hues multicolor marble. It has a texture as wonderful as rivers, mountains, and waves. In-nies igawdu esperjenza viżwali distintiva li hija mimlija seħer orjentali minħabba t-toni maestużi vjola-ħomor li jixbħu t-tendenza tal-muntanji u x-xmajjar.